Owning a car always carries with it the possibility that someday you may be involved in an accident. It might be on the open road, in a shopping centre, entering or leaving your own home, anywhere that you need your car. Getting the right people to carry out your crash repair is the first and most important step to getting you back on the road again.
If you do have an accident then your next objective is to get your car repaired back as closely as possible to its former condition. You have the right to choose a Vehicle Body Repairer to undertake repairs to your car. An insurance company may recommend their approved repairers network, however you’re always free to choose any repairer. In this case, you should insist on a CSS Certified Repairer. When it comes to car and crash repairs, Cavanaghs of Chaleville is a CSS certified repairer. CSS – Certified Steel Standard, it is the bodyshop standards programme of the SIMI (Society of the Irish Motor Industry). Whilst there are many approved and accredited bodyshops operating in Ireland, there has never been a national Irish standard and CSS is the first of its kind for vehicle body repairers who undertake to repair crash damaged vehicles.
Look for the CSS standard for assurance in vehicle body repairs in Ireland.
For further information, please contact the Bodyshop at Cavanaghs of Charleville on 036 30300 or email [email protected].